16/07/2019 - 20/07/2019

Centro Audiovisual Rosario Chacabuco 1371 - Estación Parque Urquiza   (00 54) 341 4802728 / 545
2000 Rosario (Santa Fe)   festivalojoalpiojo@rosario.gov.ar
Argentina   http://www.festivalojoalpiojo.gob.ar/
No Fee
Categorías: Fiction Animation Documentary Experimental Music Video
Advertising Web Series
Deadline: 10/05/2019 

One or several short films of up to 15 minutes, including credits, made by children, young people and adults, destined exclusively for children, can be registered.

Produced from January 1, 2017 to date.

All short films must be dubbed into Spanish. Subtitled productions will not be accepted.

They must enroll in one of these two competencies:
a) Official Competition of short films made by children and young people: it contemplates the productions where they have participated in the integral production and that represent their genuine ideas and interests.
b) Official Competition for short films made by adults: it includes short films made by over 18 years who express content intended for children, without images of violence, whether explicit, gender or psychological.


  • Prize to the Best Short Film made by children and young people consisting of the sum of $ 25,000 (twenty thousand pesos). This value should be used to purchase equipment.
  • Prize to the best Short film made by adults that consists of the sum of $ 25,000 (twenty thousand pesos).
  • Prize "Mirada de piojo" to the short film most voted by the public.
  • Prize "Faber Castell" to the Argentine short film that contributes to the reflection and sensitivity about the care of the environment.
  • RAFMA Award (Argentine Network of Festivals and Audiovisual Samples) to the best Argentine short film of the Official Competition of short films made by adults.

The Jury has the power to grant special mentions in those areas that it considers.

This is just an excerpt of the regulations, carefully read the complete regulations before submitting.


Actividad subvencionada por el Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte