Anim!Arte is an international festival of animated films made by children and youth, and made for children and youth.
La duración máxima de cada película es de 15 minutos.
INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS MAXI (18+) : This competitive category is for students 18 years of age or older. The student must inform in the entry form, the educational institution in which it's enrolled. Entries will be accepted from those who have completed graduation until 2017, only if the submitted film has been produced during the graduation.
INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS MINI ( -18) : This competitive category is only for students under 18 years of age. The student must the educational institution in which it's enrolled.
INTERNATIONAL PROFESSIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL FILM : The Competitive Category Professional Environmental Film will reward the best animated short films with environmental themes produced by international professionals from all over the world.
INTERNATIONAL PROFESSIONAL WORLD CULTURES : The Competitive Category Professional World Cultures will reward the best animated short films of cultural representations of any people around the planet: customs and typical elements of a particular culture, historical events, folk festivals, mythology, and artistic manifestations.
INTERNATIONAL MUSIC VIDEO : The Competitive Category Music Video will reward the best animated music videos. In this category can be submitted musical films made by professionals and (or) by students. The film must be submitted without subtitles.
If the film has dialogues in language other than Portuguese, it will be necessary the sending of a text file with the dialogues of the film in English (if possible, with the time code) to the email.
A version of the film with English subtitles will be useful to facilitate the work of translation and subtitling for the Portuguese, but the version that will be shown at the festival must be submitted without subtitles. This is just an excerpt of the regulations, carefully read the complete regulations before submitting. |