HFF is the first short film festival of Hedaia (France). Born in 2013, the main proposal is to show films related to cultural, language and social minorities.
- This section is open to all nationalities.
- Only movies with a maximum duration of 20 minutes will be accepted.
- Only short movies completed after January 1st 2016 can be submitted.
- French subtitles required.
- Nationality- This section is opened to movies produced in Aquitaine (France) and in the autonomous region Euskadi, C.A.V and Navarre (Spain).
- Only movies with a maximum duration of 20 minutes will be accepted.
- Only short movies completed after January 2016 can be submitted.
- To be presented in the original version for foreign films have to be subtitled in French.
This is just an excerpt of the regulations, carefully read the complete regulations before submitting. |