The Festival has three main sections: Competition, Panorama and Focus & Retrospectives, with its correspondent subsections:
a) International Feature film Competition
b) International Short Film Competition
c) Uruguayan Short Film Competition
d) Iberoamerican Feature Film
e) International Panorama
f) International Short Films Panorama.
The feature films, to be included in the competition, must have a minimum duration of 60 minutes. The short films to be considered in competition, 30 minutes maximum.
Films wishing to compete should have been finished after January 1st, 2010. It Is possible to present films that were selected by other festivals abroad.
If the film is selected to be screened at our festival, is not imperative, but it is desirable that the screening copies are Spanish subtitled. Should this not be the case, the screening copies should be accompanied by a list of texts or dialogues in Spanish or English.
This is just an excerpt of the regulations, carefully read the complete regulations before submitting. |