Beurko Viejo 3 Pabellón 38 oficina 12 K, Edifio Innobak
48902 Barakaldo (Vizcaya)
Telephone: +3494 602 46 68
Email: info@kcd-ongd.org
Web: http://www.kcd-ongd.org/
No fee
Fiction Animation Documentary Experimental Music Video
Advertising Web Series

Deadline: 01/May/2025 

The Festival is centered on four major themes: Sustainable Development, Human Rights, Interculturality and Gender Equity.

All works whose original language is not spanish or basque shall be mandatorily subtitled or dubbed into those languages. Works in competition must have been made after January 1st, 2023.

The type of the works can be: Fiction, documentary and animated feature and short films.

SUSTAINABILITY: this encompasses audio-visual works that deal with the social, political, economic and environmental impacts of different development models as well as alternative proposals that contribute to human well-being and sustainability.

GENDER EQUALITY: contributes to the construction of an egalitarian culture and generates tools for pro-gender equality change in society. The films in this section stimulate reflection and critical thinking in relation to the prevailing reality of inequality between women and men and/or propose alternative models to the patriarchal system.

INTERCULTURALITY: reflects both the diversity and wealth of existing cultures in the world and issues related to human migrations, coexistence between people from different cultures, as well as denunciations of any form of racism, segregation, xenophobia and other forms of discrimination.

HUMAN RIGHTS: includes audio-visual works on the promotion and guarantee of individual and collective human rights, as well as the struggle for respect and fundamental freedoms. Also included are all those works that promote opposition to authoritarian, elitist, racist, xenophobic and LGBTI-phobic political currents and any form of discrimination, or that denounce the causes that give rise to poverty and social exclusion

BEST WOMAN'S WORK: This section is performed for both the visibility of women filmmakers and to encourage the participation of women in the world of audiovisual communication, as they represent a significant minority in the sector. This sections will include all works by women who are related to topics such as sustainable development, human rights, interculturality or any of the problems facing humanity.

WORKS FOR STUDENTS OF BACHELOR AND VOCATIONAL TRAINING: To promote the interest of students, works included in this section may treat any social issue not exceeding 30 minutes. 

SOCIAL WORKS IN BASQUE: This section will include both social works made in Basque, as those who have been subtitled into Basque.

Please, submit your film to the correct category.

This is just an excerpt of the regulations, carefully read the complete regulations before submitting.